The following is a complete list of all the policies and procedures that govern the safe and successful running of our nursery. Whilst we are mindful that these policies should be reviewed on a regular basis any necessary changes are implemented as soon as reasonably possible 

Part 1: Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding Children
Online Safety
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Prevent Duty and Radicalisation
Domestic Abuse, Honour Based Violence and
Forced Marriage
Intimate Care
Safe and Respectful Care and Practice
Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Use
(including Camera use)
Social Networking
Monitoring Staff Behaviour
Lone Working
Inclusion and Equality
Special Consideration for Employees
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Looked After Children
Dealing with Discriminatory Behaviour
Health and Safety
Sickness and Illness
Infection Control
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Risk Assessment Overview
Complaints and Compliments
Part 2: Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Fire Safety
Safety Checks
Manual Handling
Healthy Work Place
Environmental Sustainability
Visits and Outings
Lost Child procedure – Outing
Lost Child Procedure- Inside
Lost Child Procedure – Outside
No Smoking
Alcohol and Substance Misuse
Quality Provision
Equipment and Resources
Critical Incident
Lock Down
Adverse Weather
Supervision of Children
Supervision of Visitors
Part 3: Human Resources
Staff Development and Training
Data Protection and Confidentiality
Safe Recruitment of Staff
Young Worker
Absence – Staff
Grievance Procedure
Disciplinary Procedure
Anti- Bribery
Privacy Notice
Section 4: Best Practice
Accidents and First Aid
Allergies and Allergic Reactions
Sun Care
Early Learning Statement
Gifted and Talented
Settling In
Separated Family
Outdoor Play
Multiple Birth
Parents as Partners
Conflict Resolution with Parents and
Aggressive Behaviour
Access and Storage of Information
Late Collection of Children
Arrivals and Departures
Operational Plan

All our policies are reviewed annually.
Our most up to date version of these policies are now paperless and can be requested via email, we can also print out paper versions if you would prefer. Please ask a member of staff.