We enjoy a huge variety of exciting activities both indoors and outdoors including den-building, balance bikes, hula-hoops, ball games and so much more!
We aim to spend as much time as possible exploring and having fun in our outdoor surroundings including ‘Roly Poly Hill’ where our children love to roll around in the grass, our Woodland Forest School, our ‘Gruffalo Woods’, the beautiful meadows and taking welly walks around the private estate.
Inside, we enjoy being creative whilst using our imaginations in activities such as construction, small world play, role-playing and dressing up together. Our children thrive in exploring their own interests and developing wonderful friendships in our nursery environment where the children are busy and happy, and this is evident with the sound of laughter and excitement within the nursery walls as well as outside.
As the old saying goes, ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ and the following is just a little window into nursery life at Malthouse Nursery School and what we do.
Extra activities include yoga, French, Spanish, Sports activities with Sporty Little Stars and music sessions with Jo Jingles. In addition to these, we enjoy Forest School, outings to visit the tractors on our on-site farm, magic shows, visitors and lots and lots of singing and dance.